Queen Anne's Lace

Thursday, April 1, 2010


vacation soon.
pics soon after.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What's there to cry about?

I don't get this whole sobfest at the end of every intervention. I can't wrap my head around those addicts who don't want to go rehab. Hello! It's like hitting up a free all-inclusive vacation (minus the alcohol). An added bonus is if you get Mrs. Candy Finnagan or that guy who looks like Doctor Phil, because chances are you partying it up in a hot climate!
So, all potential Interventioners, think long and hard about your refusal... because a free trip to Texas, Florida or California where you spend all day talking about your feelings and the things that make you happy - doesn't sound so bad to me.

This one goes out to Christy... you had awesome style pre-rehab.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Love this...

I am really excited.

Now Fran needs to loose about a stone... Spit chew here we come!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Hair and photography by the talented Jessica Upton Crowe.
She can be reached at the Greatful Head in Toronto.
Check out her blog: http://struttersandhead.blogspot.com/